Sublocade has been around since 2017. I have given 135 Sublocade injections. The shot is given into the subcutaneous fat around the belly button every 4 weeks. The shot stings for ~ 2 minutes, but this burning resolves quickly.
Benefits of Sublocade
- More consistent levels of buprenorphine, reducing chance of having withdrawal symptoms in the night.
- Eliminates the need to take pills every day.
- Eliminates chance of lost, stolen and diverted medication.
- Safer around children in the home.
- As it lasts for 4+ months, no need to schedule vacations around Rx fill dates.
Sublocade facts
- We sometimes supplement the shot with oral buprenorphine or Suboxone.
- You shouldn't take Sublocade while pregnant.
- You need to have Medicaid or other insurance to cover this expensive medication.
- There is no naloxone in Sublocade.
- Sublocade must be ordered from a specialty pharmacy, shipped to your provider, and injected in the medical office.
- In my practice 60% of patients who start Sublocade continue it after 1 year. They say that they feel better on the shot.